Sunday, August 14, 2011

Trip 1- 3rd Post

Here is another post from our 1st trip. Since I am updating this in August and our adoption is finalized, i can post picture of Sarah on the blog. Here are the pictures of the 1st time we met her and the subsequent visits as well as a video that Eric made of our time with her.

All of these pictures are taken in her small crib room. She shares this room with 6 other babies approximately her same age. There are 2 sweet ladies who take care of the babies in her room. They were super kind and had nothing but nice things to say about Sarah...... "Selam happy baby.... Selam sleepy baby...."

We are so thankful she is our's and can't wait to bring her home!

First Trip to Ethiopia from Eric Lakey on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. This baby girl is just TOO precious! I thought the pictures were something special, but the video blew me away! I can't wait to meet this precious baby in person!
    - Auntie Beth
