Sunday, August 14, 2011

Back Home!

Once we got back home and settled we were left feeling happy to be here with our three biological kids but sad to be so far from Sarah. That feeling would continue throughout the long summer as we waited and waited to hear an update on our case. Still feels that way as I type this tonite in mid-August. While I have peace and trust that God is taking good care of Sarah, at the same time there is that unsettling notion that "things are not as they should be"..... she should be here with us. So we wait.

And while we wait, we get busy! Here are some pictures of our first project after returning from Ethiopia. Remember that garden box (aka coffin) that Eric built last year? Well, 2010's results were pretty pathetic with almost no fruit to show for the summer's efforts. So we decided to get an earlier start this year and plant in mid-March. Here are the pictures from the day of planting.

We did end up with a few tomatoes this year. Also, our cilantro plant grew and grew and came in very handy as one of the main ingredients of the salsa we make. The beans, pumpkins and cucumbers did not fare so well. Maybe next year?

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