Here are a few pictures from Henry's birthday. He had a great birthday which also happened to be the last day of school.... what a day! We had donuts for breakfast and he got to open gifts from his brother and sister.
The boys had a performance and awards ceremony at school. I will post "last day of school" pictures separately. School dismissed at 12 and we went to the park with some friends to eat pizza and brownies, play and ride bikes. For dinner, we went to Henry's favorite tex-mex restaurant. It was a very fun day.
He got all sorts of fun gifts including a new game for the wii, new books, a couple of new board games and a large container of cheeseballs!!
His party is this weekend. For his party this year we are taking 4 friends to play laser tag and mini golf. It should be very fun.
Enjoy the pictures! We miss you all.
love the cheese balls....yum yum Love Nana